All praise be to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, Diwan: Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Vol.9, No. 18, the July-December 2017 Edition has been published and available to be accessed by readers. Diwan: Journal of Arabic Language and Literature for this edition is the final of a series of publishing processes that have been started since July.

Diwan: Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Volume 9, No. 18, July-December 2017 Edition begins with an article written by Erizal Ilyas. The author explores the role of the Arab poets in the period of Muhammad during the Battle of Badr. The next article is written by Muhammad Isya introduces a new theoretical approach in Arabic literature. More specifically, the writer highlights the literary sociology of Terry Eagleton as the theory. The next author, Syofyan Hadi, explores the semantic problems of the Qur'an caused by the phenomenon of i’rab.

An alternative new theory in studying Arabic linguistics is highlighted by Reflinaldi in the next article. The author presents the urgency of linguistic studies on Arab mass media with the theory of Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis. In the next article, Neli Putri explains the historical dynamics of the development of Nahwu during the Abbassiyah dynasty. This edition was closed by the artcle from which examines the structural analysis of Zellig Harris in Arabic.

Diwan: Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Vol.9, No. 18, the July-December 2017 Edition was published due to collaboration, supports and hard works within editorial teams, writers and peer reviewers. Any feedback from readers, as well as the constructive criticisms, are welcomed for the development of this journal.


Published: Dec 20, 2017