All praise be to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, Diwan: Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Vol.10, No. 2, the January-June 2019 Edition has been published and available to be accessed by readers. Diwan: Journal of Arabic Language and Literature for this edition is the final of a series of publishing processes that have been started since January.
Diwan: Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Vol. 10, No. 2, the January-June 2019 Edition begins with articles written by Maksum and Taftiati. The authors examine the meaning of the words Auliya’ in the Qur’an from the perspective of semantic componential analysis. The second article is written by Insanul Hasan which studies the Arabic sentences inform the perspective of structural syntax theory. The third article composed by Apriwanto focuses on the analysis of socio-cultural phenomena in Arabic.
The fourth article is contributed by Reflinaldi, Syofyan Hadi and Ahmad Busyrowi. The authors analyze the typology of eastern action toward western hegemony in the drama script of Abthal Al-Yarmuk by using Occidentalism analysis. The fifth article is written by Meliza Budiarti, observing the strategy for countering the problems in Arabic translation among students. The next article highlights the politeness strategy used by students in the Arabic Language and Literature Department of UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, written by Adjie Prasetio Utama. The last article is the text edition of Shiyam Ramadan script contributed by Restati Yelni.
Diwan: Journal of Arabic Language and Literature Vol. 10, No. 2, the January-June 2019 Edition was published due to collaboration, supports and hard works within editorial teams, writers and peer reviewers. Any feedback from readers, as well as the constructive criticisms, are welcomed for the development of this journal.
Published: Jul 19, 2019