

The Khalwat was a tradition to draw closer to God in the way of escaping. Those who undergo khalwah are the perpetrators of suluk, although the essence must be done by the Muslims and All believers as a whole. In the practice of Suluk or order, the Khulwah is one of the levels that must be passed by a Salik or Sufi, in addition to the level of maqamat (degree/position) such as the Repentance, Mujahadah, Zuhud, and others. This can be known through manuscripts of either local manuscripts or the opinion of the calm experts in the Suluk and Khalwat. Sufism entry into Indonesia has undergone interactions and adjustments with local cultures. By conducting library and content analysis studies, the authors try to review the books of Suluk and Sufism and find that Sufism in Indonesia is a combination of Sufism derived from the source with the local culture. Even Sufism in various forms can provide peace and tranquility of soul for people who do it based on their own experience by the perpetrators of the Suluk and the Khulwah.


interactions Khalwat Suluk culture


How to Cite
Yusna, D. . (2020). The Interaction of Suluk/Khalwat and Local Culture : (Review of the books of Suluk and Khalwat). Majalah Ilmiah Tabuah: Ta`limat, Budaya, Agama Dan Humaniora, 24(1), 39–52. https://doi.org/10.37108/tabuah.v24i1.275


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