Khazanah: Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam is a scientific journal published periodically twice a year in June and December by the Islamic History and Civilization Department, Faculty of Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. This journal focuses on any research related to the history of Islamic culture and the history of Islamic civilization. Scope of Khazanah: Journal of Islamic History and Culture includes classical religious manuscripts, Contemporary religious manuscripts, socio-religious history, religious archeology, archipelago religious arts.. Master of Agreement (MoA)
ISSN: 2614-3798 (online)
ISSN: 2339-207x (print)

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Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024): Juli-Desember

Published: Dec 31, 2024

The Transformation of Islamic Civilization: A Historical Analysis of the Classical Period and the Golden Age

1-15 Tri Yugo Yugo, Aep Saepudin

Transformasi Radikalisme Indonesia dalam konteks Internasionalisasi Jihad Afghanistan

16-29 Irfan Zakariah

Rahasia Sejarah Tersembunyi: Eksplorasi Islam, Budaya, dan Sosok Waliyullah Banyuwangi

30-43 Isna Maulida, Silvi Nur Dina Silvi, Siti Aisyah Putri Andiyani, Valentino Rahma Febrian, Asiatul Hafsoh, Dita Ragil Prasetya Ersa, Mirna Majidatul Maghfiroh, Shoni Rahmatullah Amrozi

Perang Cumbok: Konfrontasi dan Perubahan Sosial di Aceh Tahun 1945-1946

44-55 Septian Fatianda, Avicenna Al-Maududdy, Faez Syahroni
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